Monday, March 18, 2013

Grandma Betty´s coupons and free samples

Hi guys! I have found this page called Grandma Betty´s Coupons and it seems really cool. You can find coupons by simply entering your ZIP code, find deals near you and even get Free Samples mailed to you.

I believe that sometimes we underestimate coupons and free samples, but if you think about it, the only reason why coupons exist, is because all products cost actually a lot less than we are used to pay, and even when you see a price tag that says 70% off, the seller is still making money. Think about constantly paying only 10% less on everything you consume on a daily basis. That would be a lot of money at the end of the year. I know that most of us are simply too lazy to print a coupon and use it, but i still think it´s worth it. I have friends and followers that have been using the restaurant coupons ever since I posted them and made it a habit to save money every time they eat out. Some other people have also been using the grocery coupons I also posted and have been saving money on their grocery shopping every time. I encourage you to start paying more realistic prices on everything every time. Tell your friends about it also. Think about the saving at the end of each week and think about what you will do with the money you save :)

I really hope you take advantage of all this coupons I´ve been posting. I´ll keep on working to get you the best savings a deals. Remember that if you have any special requests you can either comment here of leave a message on the requests page.

See you all soon with more savings!

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